Greenbank Group Wins Gold RoSPA Award 2014

Greenbank Group UK Ltd, of Woodville, Derbyshire, is among the winners in the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards 2014.
The Gold award in the prestigious annual scheme run by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) will be presented during a ceremony at the National Exhibition Centre, on May 14, 2014.
As the UK’s family safety charity, RoSPA’s mission to save lives and reduce injuries covers all ages and stages of life. In support of this mission, the RoSPA Awards, which have been held for 58 years, recognise commitment to continuous improvement in accident and ill health prevention at work. Through the scheme, which is open to businesses and organisations of all types and sizes from across the UK and overseas, judges consider entrants’ overarching occupational health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.
David Rawlins, RoSPA’s awards manager, said: “The RoSPA Awards encourage the raising of occupational health and safety standards across the board. Organisations that gain recognition for their health and safety management systems such as Greenbank Group UK Ltd, contribute to a collective raising of the bar for other organisations to aspire to, and we offer them our congratulations.”
Charles Conroy, Greenbank Group’s Managing Director said, “For the fourth successive year we are very proud to retain the RoSPA gold award. This underlines our ongoing commitment to Health and Safety.
“The business strives for continual improvement and wants the best and safest working environment for its employees. This award is a great credit to all concerned and I would like to make special mention and thanks to our QSHE team of Alan Dawson and Sam Else, whose dedication, commitment and training of others have taken our Health, Safety and Environmental culture to an unprecedented level.”
“The award also heralds one of the longest periods of time we have had without a lost time accident, so additional credit is due to David Firth, our Production Director, and Duncan Barrow, our Site Manager, whose efforts to implement the safety culture amongst our production facilities has been key to this success.”
“So, here is to yet another safe working year”
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