We are very proud to announce that Greenbank Group UK has been awarded Gold Status from Investors in People, putting the company in the top 7% for world class business performance through its people.
Greenbank Group UK has held an Investor in People (IIP) award since 2000 subsequently achieving Bronze, Silver and now the ultimate Gold Standard.
The award was given following a comprehensive audit by Investor in People assessors who evaluate a company’s performance and approach to its people through ten key areas which include Business Strategy, Leadership and Management, Continuous Improvement, Recognition and Reward and Performance Management.
The IIP audit conclusion included:
“ Greenbank Group UK continues to practice the principles of the Investors in People Core Standard meeting the 37 evidence requirements. In addition, the organisation achieved an additional 128 evidence requirements, resulting in being accredited with the Gold Investors in People Standard.
“The key strength of the business is the strategic planning and the development of implementation plans, which are supported by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) providing a range of measures across the business. A set of core values indicates the behaviours / expectations of people in line with the organisation’s strategy, which people believe are at the heart of the way the organisation operates.
“Learning and development continues to be a strength of the organisation, the strategy links to the business strategy and contributes to developing the capabilities of people across the business to contribute to its vision. People believe that learning is valued, it is an ever day activity and they are encouraged to learn from their efforts, successes and mistakes.
“People have the trust and confidence in the Directors, they believe they behave in line with the core values, treat people with respect, and reward and recognise them appropriately. They believe they are committed to continuous improvement and actively engage and involve people in decision-making activities.
Charles Conroy, Greenbank's Managing Director, said “The Investors in People Gold Award is clear recognition of the time and investment that we have continued to make in all our colleagues throughout the business. It is a fantastic achievement and a real compliment to all concerned being recognised for all the hard work that’s gone on to achieve this ultimate accreditation!”
The Directors would like to thank all our dedicated employees who have made this great achievement possible.